Removing panes



The pane layout manager consecutively numbers its panes, starting with pane #0. The factory returned by append_panes() adds new panes after all, if any, existing panes in the container. insert_panes() adds new panes before an existing pane in the container. The panes created by replace_panes()'s factory replace the existing panes in the container. Finally, calling replace_all_panes() removes all existing panes, and the returned factory adds new panes to the now-empty pane container.

remove_pane() removes an existing pane in the container. remove_all_panes() removes all panes from the container. replace_all_panes() is equivalent to calling remove_all_panes() followed by append_panes().

size() returns the number of elements in the pane, and get() returns an existing widget in the pane.