type=grid layouts

<dim id="no-padding">0</dim>
<dim id="extra-padding">2.0</dim>

<layout type="grid" id="main-window-grid">




<!-- in some factory... -->

x::w::gridlayoutmanager glm=container->get_layoutmanager();

glm->generate("main-window-grid", generator, elements);

The contents of a layouts of type=grid specify the methods invoked by grid layout manager's generate().

Creating type=grid layouts

A container with a type=grid creates a container that uses the grid layout manager. An optional config element sets non-default values of the x::w::new_gridlayoutmanager that creates the container:


Initializes x::w::new_gridlayoutmanager's col_paddings value:


<!-- ... -->

<dim id="no-padding">0</dim>

The col_padding element references a dim element in the theme file.


Initializes x::w::new_gridlayoutmanager's row_paddings value:


<!-- ... -->

<dim id="no-padding">0</dim>

The row_padding element references a dim element in the theme file.


Initializes x::w::new_gridlayoutmanager's synchronized_columns object:


All generate()d grids with the same synchronized_columns name have the same x::w::synchronized_axis handle. The element's name is an opaque label. x::w::synchronized_axis objects get automatically created, internally, and associated with their name.