The thread message dispatcher's
() method
is an implementation of the
and implements stop
()ing a private class method
that throws a x::stopexception
A subclass of
can override
() and provide its own mechanism for
stopping the execution thread.
When multiple threads are working together on the same task, sometimes it's desirable to coordinate their termination, as a group. Typical usage case would be having all threads terminate when any one of them terminates itself, or if a separate “master” thread terminates before they do. This is done by creating a group of stoppable objects.
class mythreadObj : public x::threadmsgdispatcherObj { // ... }; typedef x::ref<mythreadObj> mythread; // ... x::stoppable::base::group sgroup=x::stoppable::base::group::create(); mythread mainThread=mythread::create(), workerThread=mythread::create(); sgroup->add(mainThread); sgroup->add(workerThread); x::ref<x::obj> handle=x::ref<x::obj>::create(); sgroup->mcguffin(handle); mythread extraThread=mythread::create(); sgroup->add(extraThread);
The stoppable group maintains a list of other objects that implement
the stoppable interface. add
() adds an object to the
stoppable group. mcguffin
() takes another object, and
makes it a
that results in each object in the stoppable group
having its stop
() method invoked when the mcguffin goes
out of scope.
In the above example, when mcguffin
goes out of scope
and gets destroyed, all objects in the stoppable group have their
() invoked, including objects added to the group
after a mcguffin's creation. In the above example,
will also get stop
when the handle
mcguffin goes out of scope.
More than one mcguffin can be tied to a stoppable group. When any mcguffin
goes out of scope and destroyed, all objects in the stoppable group
get stop
Once created, a stoppable group exists even if the
reference-counted object goes out of scope.
In the above example, even if sgroup
goes out of scope,
as long as one of its mcguffins still exists, somewhere, the mcguffin will
do its duty and result in stop
()age of object
in the stoppable group.
If you want all the members of a stoppable group getting
()ed when the stoppable group reference
goes out of scope, make the stoppable group its own mcguffin.
If you want the stoppable group stopped when any object in the stoppable
group goes out of scope and gets destroyed, pass the object to both
() and
A stoppable group holds only weak references on the objects in the
stoppable group; once any of them go out of scope naturally, and get
destroyed, if it's also one of the group's mcguffins, all the other
members of the stoppable group get stop