type=bookpage factorys

<factory type="bookpage" id="settings">

    <!-- ... -->


The contents of a factorys of type=bookpage specify the methods invoked on a book page factory.


<factory type="bookpage" id="settings">

  <!-- ... -->


  <!-- ... -->


halign invokes the book page factory's halign() method. The halign element contains an x::w::halign value.


<factory type="bookpage" id="settings">

  <!-- ... -->


  <!-- ... -->


valign invokes the book page factory's valign() method. The valign element contains an x::w::valign value.


<factory type="bookpage" id="settings">

  <!-- ... -->


<!-- ... -->

<appearance id="booksettings" type="bookpage" from="theme">

set_appearance invokes the book page factory's set_appearance() method. The appearance value gives the id of a type=bookpage appearance object.


<factory type="bookpage" id="settings">

  <!-- ... -->

        <label type='theme_text'>${context:settings-dialog}${decoration:underline}G${decoration:none}eneral settings</label>
    <shortcut type='theme_text'>${context:settings-dialog}Alt-G</shortcut>

<layout type="grid" id="general-settings">


add invokes the book page factory's add() method, creating a new tab and a page in the book container.

The tab element creates the page's tab, and must have exactly one theme widget or container. It's usually a plain label.

The page element creates the page itself, and must have exactly one theme widget or container. It is usually a theme container.

An optional shortcut element contains the page's keyboard x::w::shortcut value.