type=pane factorys

The contents of a factorys of type=pane specify the x::w::panefactory methods that get invoked when generating the contents of a pane container:


Sets the x::w::panefactory's appearance value:

<factory type="pane" id="maincontents">

  <!-- ... -->


  <!-- ... -->

<appearance id="top-pane-appearance" type="pane">


The value of the element specifies an appearance object of type=pane.

<configure_for_new_list/> and inherited generic factory methods

<factory type="pane" id="maincontents">

  <configure_for_new_list />

        <synchronized />

  <configure_for_new_list />

        <synchronized />


<layout type="list" id="inventory">

  <!-- ... -->


<layout type="list" id="on_order">

  <!-- ... -->


A pane factory element contains any element that's valid in a generic factory. This creates a new pane. The new element is usually a container.

<configure_for_new_list/> enables the integrated appearance of lists and tables in panes. A <configure_for_new_list/> in a pane factory followed by a list container whose config has a configure_for_pane is equivalent to using pane factory's configure_new_list() when creating the new list or table.