type=item layout elements

append_item and insert_item

<layout type="item" id="main-table">

  <!-- ... -->

	<label type='theme_text'>Lorem</label>

	<label type='theme_text'>Ipsum</label>


append_item and insert_item invoke the corresponding item layout manager methods that add new items to the. The position value specifies the insert position (for insert_item). The item element contains a single theme widget, typically a label, which defines the new item.

Custom new item appearance

append_item and insert_item have an optional appearance that sets a non-default appearance for the new item:

      <label type='theme_text'>Lorem</label>

<!-- ... -->

<appearance id="custom-item" type="item_button">

  <!-- ... -->


The value of the element specifies an appearance object of type=item_button. This is equivalent to passing this optional parameter to append_item() or insert_item().

remove_item and remove_items



remove_item and remove_items invoke the corresponding item layout manager methods that remove items from the container. The position value specifies the position index of the first item to remove.