A table is a list with a header row. Tables are derived from lists, and inherit list functions.
/* ** Copyright 2018-2021 Double Precision, Inc. ** See COPYING for distribution information. */ #include "config.h" #include <x/exception.H> #include <x/destroy_callback.H> #include <x/ref.H> #include <x/obj.H> #include <x/appid.H> #include <x/w/main_window.H> #include <x/w/gridlayoutmanager.H> #include <x/w/gridfactory.H> #include <x/w/tablelayoutmanager.H> #include <x/w/label.H> #include "close_flag.H" std::string x::appid() noexcept { return ""; } struct mondata { std::string process; int cpu; int ram; int diskio; int netio; }; static mondata processes[]= { {"Compiler", 40, 12, 3, 0}, {"Idle", 35, 0, 0, 0}, {"Updater", 12, 4, 2, 2}, {"Editor", 4, 7, 0, 0}, {"Torrent Downloader", 5, 6, 4, 4}, {"Backup", 4, 5, 5, 0}, }; auto create_process_table(const x::w::main_window &mw, const x::w::gridfactory &f) { x::w::new_tablelayoutmanager ntlm{ x::w::table_headers( { {"Process", {}}, {"CPU %", {}}, {"RAM %", {}}, {"Disk I/O (Mbps)", {}}, {"Net I/O (Mbps)", {}} }) }; // The table layout manager inherits from the list layout manager. // Set the selection_type to no-selection_type if the table or the // list layout manager is not meant to be used for selecting // an element from the list, setting the selection_type to // no_selection_type ntlm.selection_type=x::w::no_selection_type; // No need to set columns, inherited from new_listlayoutmanager. // new_tablelayoutmanager's constructor initializes it from the number // of the header factories // // ntlm.columns = 5 // The col_alignments and column_borders are inherited from // new_listlayoutmanager, and can be also set in a // new_listlayoutmanager, too. ntlm.col_alignments={ {0, x::w::halign::center}, {1, x::w::halign::right}, {2, x::w::halign::right}, {3, x::w::halign::right}, {4, x::w::halign::right}, }; // Borders before the corresponding column. Border #1 specifies the // border that separates columns 0 and 1. ntlm.column_borders={ {1, "thin_0%"}, {2, "thin_dashed_0%"}, {3, "thin_dashed_0%"}, {4, "thin_dashed_0%"}, }; auto c=f->create_focusable_container ([&] (const x::w::focusable_container &c) { x::w::tablelayoutmanager lm=c->tablelayout(); // The tablelayoutmanager inherits from the // listlayoutmanager. Just like with selection lists, // list_item_parms specify new items to be added to // the list. // // Initialize the table. std::vector<x::w::list_item_param> items; items.reserve((std::end(processes)- std::begin(processes)) * 5); for (const auto &p:processes) { std::ostringstream cpu, ram, diskio, netio; cpu << p.cpu << "%"; ram << p.ram << "%"; diskio << p.diskio << " Mbps"; netio << p.netio << " Mbps"; std::string fields[5]={ p.process, cpu.str(), ram.str(), diskio.str(), netio.str() }; items.insert(items.end(), std::begin(fields), std::end(fields)); } lm->append_items(items); }, ntlm); return c; } void testlist() { x::destroy_callback::base::guard guard; auto close_flag=close_flag_ref::create(); auto main_window=x::w::main_window::create ([&] (const auto &main_window) { auto layout=main_window->gridlayout(); x::w::gridfactory factory= layout->append_row(); create_process_table(main_window, factory); main_window->set_window_title("Table"); }); guard(main_window->connection_mcguffin()); main_window->on_disconnect([] { exit(1); }); main_window->on_delete ([close_flag] (THREAD_CALLBACK, const auto &ignore) { close_flag->close(); }); main_window->show_all(); close_flag->wait(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { try { testlist(); } catch (const x::exception &e) { e->caught(); exit(1); } return 0; }
#include <x/w/focusable_container.H> #include <x/w/tablelayoutmanager.H> x::w::new_tablelayoutmanager new_table{ { [] (const x::w::factory &f) { f->create_label("Column 1")->show(); }, [] (const x::w::factory &f) { f->create_label("Column 2")->show(); }, }}; x::w::focusable_container list=f->create_focusable_container( [] (const x::w::focusable_container &c) { x::w::tablelayoutmanager tbl=c->get_layoutmanager(); }, new_table); x::w::tablelayoutmanager tblmanager=list->get_layoutmanager();
Passing a
to a factory's create_focusable_container
creates a table. The resulting container returned by
(), and passed
as a parameter to its creator lambda, uses the
is derived from
a x::w::new_listlayoutmanager
and a
is derived from
a x::w::listlayoutmanager
. A table is a list
with a header row.
The required parameter to
's constructor
is a vector with creator lambdas for each header column.
calls each closure
to create the header for the corresponding column. Each closure receives
a factory parameter. The closure uses the
factory to create exactly one widget that represents the column's
header. The closure should call show
to make the new header widget visible (or
() on the table itself).
The header widget should not have a custom background color. The table sets a custom background color for the header row for visual effects when adjusting the table column widths. The table layout manager expects the headers' widgets to inherit their background color from the header row.
uses the
helper function to create the header factories.
parameter is a std::vector
of tuples with
two values:
a text string and a
(which can be default-constructed), and returns a vector of factories
that gets passed directly to