type=standard_combobox and type=editable_combobox layouts

<layout type="standard_combobox" id="option-list">

    <!-- ... -->


The contents of a layouts with type=standard_combobox or type=editable_combobox specify the standard or editable combo-box layout manager methods that get invoked to generate() its contents.

Creating type=standard_combobox and type=editable_combobox layouts

A container with a type=standard_combobox or type=editable_combobox creates a container that uses the corresponding combo-box layout manager.

Initializing x::w::new_standard_comboboxlayoutmanager and x::w::new_editable_comboboxlayoutmanager

    <optional />

An optional config element sets non-default values of the x::w::new_standardlayoutmanager or the x::w::new_editable_comboboxlayoutmanager that creates the container:


Sets the selection_required flag to false:

  <optional />

Initializes the synchronized_columns object:


All generate()d combo-boxes with the same synchronized_columns name have the same x::w::synchronized_axis handle. The element's name is an opaque label. x::w::synchronized_axis objects get automatically created, internally, and associated with their name.

appearance and input_appearance and

appearance sets x::w::new_standard_comboboxlayoutmanager's or x::w::new_editable_comboboxlayoutmanager's appearance value:


<appearance id="my_comboboxes" type="combobox">

  <!-- ... -->


The value of the element specifies an appearance object of type=combobox.

An editable combo-box also has an input_appearance for its input field, referencing an type=input_field. appearance object.

The config element shares additional common settings with x::w::new_listlayoutmanager :


Invokes one of x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's methods that specifies the list's or combo-box's width:

    <default />

This invokes the default_width() method.

    <variable />

This invokes the variable_width() method.


A width element with an x::w::dim_axis_arg value invokes width() with this explicit value.


Sets the x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's columns value:


This sets columns to 2, creating a list or a combo-box with two columns.


Initializes x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's requested_col_widths map:


Each requested_col_width contains a column number and a percentage value from 0 to 100.


Initializes x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's col_alignments map:


Each col_alignment contains a column number and an halign x::w::halign value.


Initializes x::w::new_listlayoutmanager's row_alignments map:


Each col_alignment contains a column number and an valign x::w::valign value.


Initializes x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's column_border map:


<!-- ... -->

<border id="divider">

  <!-- ... -->


Each column_border contains a column number and a border reference.


Initializes x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's minimum_column_widths map:


Each minimum_column_width contains a column number and a width value.


Initializes x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's synchronized_columns object:


All generate()d lists or combo-boxes with the same synchronized_columns name have the same x::w::synchronized_axis handle. The element's name is an opaque label. x::w::synchronized_axis objects get automatically created, internally, and associated with their name.


Initializes x::w::new_list_or_comboboxlayoutmanager's lr_paddings map:


<!-- ... -->

<dim id="l-padding">0</dim>
<dim id="r-padding">4</dim>

Each lr_padding contains a column number; and a left and right values that reference dim elements in the theme file.

Creating a type=editable_combobox with a validated input field

It is possible to use a theme file to create an editable combo-box with a validated input field. This is done the same way that validated input fields themselves get created.

    <optional />

#include <x/w/validated_input_field.H>

x::w::uielements widgets;

     const std::string &value,
     const auto &lock,
     const auto &ignore) -> std::optional<int>
          // ...
    (const std::optional<int> &v)
          // ...

// Generate the UI

x::w::focusable_container line_size=widgets.get_element("line_size");

x::w::validated_input_field<int> line_size_validated=

An editable combo-box with a validated input field gets created, automatically, if a validator is installed for a name of a type=editable_combobox container.